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Missions and internships

LifeTime Projects offers you a selection of humanitarian and ecological projects according to your interests and abilities. You can help out in an orphanage in Bolivia, save wild animals in Guatemala, teach illiterate women in Cameroon or learn all about organic farming in England. There is a project to fit everyone and no particular skills or knowledge are required.  All you need is a bit of time and motivation to help out on the humanitarian or ecological project of your choice!

Choose from our range of Gap Year Projects

Photo illustrant la mission de Lifetime Projects : art thérapie dans des orphelinats en Bolivie

Art-therapy in Bolivia

Pratiquez l'art-thérapie dans un centre d'accueil ou un orphelinat en Bolivie : aidez des enfants et des adolescentes à développer leur confiance en eux grâce aux arts plastiques, à la musique ou au théâtre.

photo illustrant la mission humanitaire pour l'enfance dans un orphelinat au Cameroun, avec Lifetime Projects

Art-therapy in Cameroon

Pratiquez l'art-thérapie dans un orphelinat au Cameroun : aidez des adolescents à développer leur confiance en eux grâce à la danse, la musique, le théâtre...

Photo illustrant la formation "protection de l'environnement dans une ferme bio en Angleterre", avec Lifetime Projects

Environmental protection training in England

Learn about environment protection for 12 weeks in an organic farm: biodiversity study, rural landscape management techniques, wildlife outings...

Photo illustrant la mission humanitaire au Cameroun de Lifetime Projects : "Savonnerie artisanale Savons d'Atta"

Cooperative of handmade soaps in Cameroon

Accompany Atta’s women in the creation and development of their own cooperative and put your knowledge in soap making and/ or business skills to this project.

Photo illustrant la mission "Insertion professionnelle pour les femmes en Bolivie", avec Lifetime Projects

Professional integration for adolescents in Bolivia

Help young girls develop their skills by teaching them technical abilities and handicraft, as well as the basics of entrepreneurship.

Photo illustrant un projet de Lifetime Projects en Bolivie : sensibilisation au tri des déchets dans un foyer infantile communautaire

Green homes: ecological citizenship in orphanages in Bolivia

Eco-Citizenship classes can raise children's awareness of environmental issues while improving the living environment of the local population.

photo illustrant la mission humanitaire pour l'enfance dans un orphelinat au Cameroun, avec Lifetime Projects

Refuge in Cameroon

Participate in the personal development and education of children living in orphanages in Yaoundé and share special moments of everyday life with them.

Photo illustrant les cours d'alphabétisation pour les femmes au Cameroun, avec Lifetime Projects

Literacy teaching for women in Cameroon

Give the women of Atta the chance to read and write so that they can finally become independent and develop their business.

Photo : entreprenariat féminin au Cameroun : une réussite avec Impuls'Her Project !

IT classes for women in Cameroon

Give Atta's women the tools they need to become independent and start their own businesses through computer literacy.

Photo illustrant la formation à la création d'entreprise pour les femmes au Cameroun, avec LifeTime Projects

Micro entrepreneurship for women in Cameroon

By creating their businesses, Atta's women will be able to improve their standard of living and allow their daughters to attend school.

Female empowerment in Cameroon

Give Atta’s women the opportunity to improve their living conditions, enforce their rights, improve their knowledge and care for their health.

Photo illustrant la mission "Ferme bio en Angleterre", avec Lifetime Projects

Immersion in an organic farm in England

Discover the world of organic farming on an eco farm through biodiversity and animal conservation workshops.

Photo illustrant la mission "Refuge pour animaux sauvages au Guatemala", avec Lifetime Projects

Wild animal rescue centre in Guatemala

Do you love animals? During this ecoproject, you will have the opportunity to look after and rehabilitate exotic species in Guatemala.

LifeTime Projects : illustration de la mission "Enseignement en Bolivie"

Orphanages in Bolivia

By helping these children with their education and personal development, you will participate in building a better future for them.

Choose your internship

Photo illustrant la mission de Lifetime Projects : art thérapie dans des orphelinats en Bolivie

Art-therapy in Bolivia

Pratiquez l'art-thérapie dans un centre d'accueil ou un orphelinat en Bolivie : aidez des enfants et des adolescentes à développer leur confiance en eux grâce aux arts plastiques, à la musique ou au théâtre.

Photo illustrant la formation "protection de l'environnement dans une ferme bio en Angleterre", avec Lifetime Projects

Environmental protection training in England

Learn about environment protection for 12 weeks in an organic farm: biodiversity study, rural landscape management techniques, wildlife outings...

Photo illustrant la mission "Insertion professionnelle pour les femmes en Bolivie", avec Lifetime Projects

Professional integration for adolescents in Bolivia

Help young girls develop their skills by teaching them technical abilities and handicraft, as well as the basics of entrepreneurship.

Photo illustrant un projet de Lifetime Projects en Bolivie : sensibilisation au tri des déchets dans un foyer infantile communautaire

Green homes: ecological citizenship in orphanages in Bolivia

Eco-Citizenship classes can raise children's awareness of environmental issues while improving the living environment of the local population.

Photo illustrant la mission proposée par Lifetime Projects "Stages santé au Cameroun et en Bolivie"

Health internship in Bolivia or Cameroon

Are you a student or health professional? We offer internships adapted to your area of expertise, within our projects.

photo illustrant la mission humanitaire pour l'enfance dans un orphelinat au Cameroun, avec Lifetime Projects

Refuge in Cameroon

Participate in the personal development and education of children living in orphanages in Yaoundé and share special moments of everyday life with them.

Photo illustrant les cours d'alphabétisation pour les femmes au Cameroun, avec Lifetime Projects

Literacy teaching for women in Cameroon

Give the women of Atta the chance to read and write so that they can finally become independent and develop their business.

Photo : entreprenariat féminin au Cameroun : une réussite avec Impuls'Her Project !

IT classes for women in Cameroon

Give Atta's women the tools they need to become independent and start their own businesses through computer literacy.

Photo illustrant la formation à la création d'entreprise pour les femmes au Cameroun, avec LifeTime Projects

Micro entrepreneurship for women in Cameroon

By creating their businesses, Atta's women will be able to improve their standard of living and allow their daughters to attend school.

Female empowerment in Cameroon

Give Atta’s women the opportunity to improve their living conditions, enforce their rights, improve their knowledge and care for their health.

Photo illustrant la mission "Ferme bio en Angleterre", avec Lifetime Projects

Immersion in an organic farm in England

Discover the world of organic farming on an eco farm through biodiversity and animal conservation workshops.

Photo illustrant la page "stages divers" de l'association Lifetime Projects

Student internships

Live the humanitarian experience during your studies or career to put your skills to a good cause and value your resume!

Photo illustrant la mission "Refuge pour animaux sauvages au Guatemala", avec Lifetime Projects

Wild animal rescue centre in Guatemala

Do you love animals? During this ecoproject, you will have the opportunity to look after and rehabilitate exotic species in Guatemala.

LifeTime Projects : illustration de la mission "Enseignement en Bolivie"

Orphanages in Bolivia

By helping these children with their education and personal development, you will participate in building a better future for them.

Are you ready to go? Apply now!