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Volunteering projects in Guatemala

Guatemala is a small Central American country, rich and varied in terms of biodiversity, culture and tradition. It is undoubtedly one of the most diversified countries of the continent. Guatemala offers a mass of wonderful landscapes: active volcanoes, lakes, jungles, ancient villages lost in high plateaus, Pacific and Atlantic coasts, archaeological sites and much more. It is a wild and authentic country that was able to keep its Amerindian origins despite the strong oppression of the Spanish people. The Guatemalan communities kept their cultural character, their way of life and some of their traditions through many languages, customs, folklore and their traditional dress which is especially rich in colour.

Environment and biodiversity

To go on a humanitarian mission in Guatemala is to discover a country with a rich and precious environment. In the north of the country, the tropical forest covers the region of Petén. The west and the centre of Guatemala form the volcanos and the high plateau regions, offering a wonderful view on a steep views and mountainous landscapes. Between the volcanic chain and the Pacific Ocean, a huge fertile plain stretches across the lands where sugar cane, cocoa, coffee and many exotic fruits are grown.  Lastly, the east of Guatemala is crossed by two big rivers, the Polochic river and the Motagua river, that give these hot and damp grounds a large variety of fauna and flora. Unfortunately, human activity puts this biodiversity in jeopardy; it simultaneously threatens the animals and the vegetation.

Daily life, discovery of the country

To go on a humanitarian mission in Guatemala is knowing how to adapt yourself to the daily life of local populations and respecting their ways of life. There are between 7 and 8 hours of time difference with the UK, according to the seasons. The main language spoken is Spanish, but we list 23 other languages of Mayas origins. Regarding food, Guatemala does not specialise in fine gastronomy. However, you will be able to taste traditional dishes and typical foods such as Guatemalan beans and Guatemalan tamales.
If you are going to do a humanitarian mission in Guatemala you will be able to make the most of your free time to visit the country. You will have two days per week to travel or to do extra activities.

Total immersion in local culture

To go on a humanitarian mission in Guatemala is way more than just participating in an international project of development. It is immersing in a country on the other side of the world with a culture totally opposed to our own. This is the motto of our association: live a humanitarian experience in total immersion.
The Guatemalan people are very welcoming and they will be happy to let you discover their daily life, religion, traditions, gastronomy, music etc… Guatemala has an abundance of social and cultural wealth that only needs to be discovered.

Welcome to Hawaii and Flores


Our project Protection of the turtles and the mangroves is located in Hawaii on the wonderful beaches of the Pacific Ocean in the region of Santa Rosa. They are not the famous American islands even though the village was called that way to refer to the Hawaiian beaches in the sixties. The beaches of Guatemala are characterized by volcanic sand, mangroves and the lagoons, which made it an idyllic spot. It is ideal to get some rest and relax at the end of a long day of work! The dynamic city of Monterrico is located 7 km away from Hawaii and is easily accessible by bus. You will be able to play many sports during your free time or go on a boat ride through the mangroves to admire the first light of dawn.

Check out MONTERRICO on the map


Our project Refuge for wild animals is located in the department of Petén, near the town of Flores. It is a small peninsula at the edge of the Petén Itza lake, with a population of over 20500 inhabitants. More than 1200 Mayas areas were listed in the region such as the famous ruins of Tikal. In the middle of the jungle, Tikal was the urban centre of the Maya civilization. Located near Flores, the more important archeological site is a compulsory passage during your stay in this country. Besides, a two days visit is included in the price of your stay.

Check out FLORES on the map

DIscover Guatemala with LifeTime Projects

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Protection of Turtles and Mangroves in Guatemala

Photo illustrant la mission "Protection des tortues et de la mangrove au Guatemala", avec Lifetime Projects

Marine turtle conservation, mangrove reforestation, caïman and iguana refuge… live a unique eco experience on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala.


Refuge for wild animals in Guatemala

Photo illustrant la mission "Refuge pour animaux sauvages au Guatemala", avec Lifetime Projects

Do you love animals? During this ecoproject, you will have the opportunity to look after and rehabilitate exotique species in Guatemala.


Student internships

Photo illustrant la page "stages divers" de l'association Lifetime Projects

Live the humanitarian experience during your studies or career to put your skills to a good cause and value your resume!


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