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Organise a school project

You are teacher, representing a Student Office, a Humanitarian Office, or a student association, and you want to organise a humanitarian trip? LifeTime Projects is there to help you! Contact us to start your project now!

LifeTime Projects will set the whole required logistic for the project of students and their teachers. We will work with the administration of your school or university, or directly with teachers, according to what you want.

Flexibility is our strength

Choose dates of your trip according to the disponibilities of your students. Projects can be customized, or commons to the whole traveling team. Our dates are flexibles, you can leave when you want.

What is the cost for your school? There are many public helps that can be requested to your City, your Region, etc. to finance a project in a scholar framework. You can pay all or part of travel costs, or let all costs to students wanting to travel. LifeTime Projects offers special prices for students, which are 66% tax-free, according to the French law.

You can organise fun activities done by students and helping them to finance their project. For example, a « solidarity run », a bake sale at the school feast, a tombola, etc. For further information, please read our fundraising ideas booklet!

Choose your project

You can choose the project you want in the destination you want. Humanitarian projects in England are well-suiting for groups, and and allows to live a strong and educative experience whithout leaving Europe and for a low cost. Further than the missions of your project, fun activities offered by our partner in England are perfectly adapted for students.

Our projects in Guatemala and Bolivia are also adapted and allow to create a group cohesion, in a total different environment : unforgettable humanitarian experience for students!

Start the project of your lifetimeApply now